A school can have all the best extra-curricular activities, they can have incredible academics, their facilities can be second to none, but without truly keeping the Good Lord at the heart of your school… something will always be missing. Here at RCS we strive to give God all the glory. He is the leader of our school, and with Him, ‘We Can Do Everything!’ – Philippians 4:13.
RCS is the main mission of Redeemer Lutheran Church. We are a Lutheran school. Religion class is held daily, but Jesus and His love is all throughout our curriculum. Students will hear that they are saved by Grace Alone. It is only through their faith in Christ that we have eternal life; there is nothing we can do to earn it.
Chapel Services
We have weekly chapel services on Wednesday mornings at 8:50 in our church sanctuary for our K-8th graders. Parents are encouraged join us if you are able to make it. Pastor Paul, Alicia Lenczewski, teachers, local pastors, and others lead the service. We do quite a bit of singing and praising. Our offerings bless different organizations and missions each month. For our little ones (3’s and 4’s), we have a quick chapel on Wednesday or Thursday mornings depending on the week.
Serving Others
We continually look for ways that we can help serve others in our community. If you have a project you think our students could bless with their time and talents, please contact our principal, Mrs. Lenczewski.