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At the end of the 1st – 3rd quarters a report card is sent home with the students approximately a week after the quarter ends. At the end of the fourth quarter, a report card is mailed home 2 weeks after school ends. While we do send home midterm reports, parents can access their child(ren’s) grades at any time throughout the quarter through Headmaster. We encourage parents to check their child(ren’s) grades on a regular basis and contact the teacher with any questions they may have.
All students entering Kindergarten through 8th grade are tested before being accepted into the school. All testing is arranged individually with each family.
Redeemer Christian School is a Lutheran school. We are a part of a network of 2300+ Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) schools throughout the world. That makes us unique when it comes to the Christian schools in our community. You know the Biblical foundation in which our schools are built. You can learn more about the LCMS at www.lcms.org. Redeemer changed their name to Redeemer Christian School in the 1980′s. A phone survey was done and a majority of individuals shared that they thought the school was just for Lutherans. Redeemer is the only Lutheran school in Summit county. It was then decided that Christian should be added to the name. Today we have 20+ different denominations represented in the school and many students with no church home. It is our prayer that the students and families who are a part of our Redeemer Family know they are saved by God’s grace through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ… and empowered by the Holy Spirit, they reach out to our community to share that Gospel message.
We are a part of a network of 13 Lutheran elementary schools in Northeast Ohio (see map). Being a part of this network allows us to participate in sports’ leagues in volleyball, basketball, softball, and track.
Our Childwatch program runs from 7:00 am until 8:30 am in the mornings and from 3:15 pm until 6:00 pm in the afternoon. Prices can be found on the tuition schedules located on the downloads page of our website.