Choose Redeemer!

What are the Top 10 Reasons
that parents choose
Redeemer Christian School?

Value for the Investment


At just $5000 for 3 year old pre-school through 8th grade, Redeemer Christian School is a sound investment in your child’s future. Annual registration fees cover local field trips, and there is no extra charge for technology or access fees. In addition, we offer financial tuition breaks for multiple children in a family, and for part-day preschool. We are also a proud Ed Choice approved, designated school.

Public School Busing Available


We currently have public school busing available to our campus daily from 5 local communities including Tallmadge, Woodridge, Cuyahoga Falls, Akron and Stow. We also offer before and after school care at reasonable rates.

Community Environment


Quoting a parent of 2 current students, “Redeemer Christian School is like a second home for our kids. The teachers and staff are like family.” Students enjoy a caring staff, involved church members and volunteers, all with the central goal of seeing students succeed. Events are offered seasonally, including musical events, family events, community involvement, and more.

Safe and Secure Environment


Redeemer has invested in keeping up with safety and security measures. Video monitored entrances, real-time monitoring of our security camera systems are among a host of safeguards to create a secure learning environment. Student safety is a top priority. Monitored building access and supervised outdoor activities are just 2 of the many best practices in place on our campus. We have worked hand in hand with city, county and state authorities as well as local law enforcement to be sure your child is safe.

Well-Rounded Education and Learning Opportunities


Redeemer is locally well known for its balanced learning experience. Core classes combined with Band, Choir, Art and Athletics are the standard. Eighth grade electronic distance learning prepared upper classmen for high school. Chapel is held weekly, and once a month, Chapel Families meet where Biblically based character education is a primary focus. Quoting a 3rd grade parent, “Redeemer understands the need for both academic and real life lessons, and they have a wonderful teaching staff equipped to achieve these goals.”

Individual Attention to Students


Redeemer staff views every student as a unique child of God. Each one brings their own personality, gifts, traits and talents to the classroom, and teachers engage students where they are. We focus on student success and are committed to providing the quality time and attention they need to learn. Your child is so much more than just a number or a test score.