How Much Should I Give?
Looking to 2 Corinthians 9:6 we find this:
6The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.
Going back to Old Testament times we find the concept of giving a portion of what one earns. Applying that forward, the following chart shows what your contribution amount would be based on varying giving percentages and levels of income.
Annual Household Income | 3% | 5% | 10% | 12% | 15% |
$5,000 | $3/wk $13/mo | $5/wk $21/mo | $10/wk $42/mo | $12/wk $50/mo | $14/wk $63/mo |
$10,000 | $6/wk $25/mo | $10/wk $42/mo | $19/wk $83/mo | $23/wk $100/mo | $29/wk $125/mo |
$20,000 | $12/wk $50/mo | $19/wk $83/mo | $38/wk $167/mo | $46/wk $200/mo | $58/wk $250/mo |
$30,000 | $17/wk $75/mo | $29/wk $125/mo | $58/wk $250/mo | $69/wk $300/mo | $87/wk $375/mo |
$40,000 | $23/wk $100/mo | $38/wk $167/mo | $77/wk $333/mo | $92/wk $400/mo | $115/wk $500/mo |
$50,000 | $29/wk $125/mo | $48/wk $208/mo | $96/wk $417/mo | $115/wk $500/mo | $144/wk $625/mo |
$60,000 | $35/wk $150/mo | $58/wk $250/mo | $115/wk $500/mo | $138/wk $600/mo | $173/wk $750/mo |
$70,000 | $40/wk $175/mo | $67/wk $292/mo | $135/wk $583/mo | $162/wk $700/mo | $202/wk $875/mo |
$80,000 | $46/wk $200/mo | $77/wk $333/mo | $154/wk $667/mo | $185/wk $800/mo | $231/wk $1000/mo |
$90,000 | $52/wk $225/mo | $87/wk $375/mo | $173/wk $750/mo | $208/wk $900/mo | $260/wk $1125/mo |
$100,000 | $58/wk $250/mo | $96/wk $417/mo | $192/wk $833/mo | $231/wk $1000/mo | $288/wk $1250/mo |
$120,000 | $69/wk $300/mo | $115/wk $500/mo | $231/wk $1000/mo | $277/wk $1200/mo | $346/wk $1500/mo |
$140,000 | $81/wk $350/mo | $135/wk $583/mo | $269/wk $1167/mo | $323/wk $1400/mo | $404/wk $1750/mo |
$160,000 | $92/wk $400/mo | $154/wk $667/mo | $308/wk $1333/mo | $369/wk $1600/mo | $462/wk $2000/mo |
$180,000 | $104/wk $450/mo | $173/wk $750/mo | $346/wk $1500/mo | $415/wk $1800/mo | $519/wk $2250/mo |
$200,000 | $115/wk $500/mo | $192/wk $833/mo | $385/wk $1667/mo | $462/wk $2000/mo | $577/wk $2500/mo |
$250,000 | $144/wk $625/mo | $240/wk $1042/mo | $481/wk $2083/mo | $577/wk $2500/mo | $721/wk $3125/mo |
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